This might be a good “time out for history” moment. There are three regions in the country formerly known as Somalia. The first is Central South (think Mogadishu and ‘Blackhawk Down’ – as K’Naan would say "Warlords and Beardos”). Then there is Puntland (think pirates). And then there is Somaliland. Somaliland used to be known as ‘British Somalia’ during the colonial administration (as opposed to the rest of the territory that was Italian administered). It has always been considered to be relatively stable – though I did learn at my security briefing that there is an active war going on in the southern part of the country. And the western border is heavily mined. Otherwise – totally calm.
The four days in Hargeisa (the capital) were relatively
uneventful. We used the Hotel Maansoor
as our base of operations as there really isn’t much in the way of secure and
functioning commercial office space yet.
We went to meetings in heavily fortified compounds of government, United
Nations, and NGOs (though there hasn’t been a set of coordinated car bombs since
2008). We faithfully did our evening radio
check with the Security Base (I am now quite good with the Alpha Bravo Charlie
Along the way I noticed a few weird quirks about town – such
as despite the fact that the country is a left-hand drive country (like the US)
it is cheaper to import right-hand-side drive cars from Dubai. So it is the only place in the world I have
ever been where you drive right-hand drive cards on the right. It is really strange. Also, the power lines. In their lifetimes – powerlines die. They get worn-through, broken in storms, cut
by rebel groups, etc. In most places
these power lines would be replaced. Not
in Somaliland. There they just pile
another round on top of the same polls – leading to snarling masses of black
wire throughout the downtown. It becomes
almost sculptural. And that every third
business establishment sells qat – that green leafy chew that ensures a
zero-productivity afternoon.
But beyond all of this – Somaliland is a fascinating little
country. It’s hot and dusty and poor –
but I will be honest – it is not the hottest nor dustiest nor poorest place I
have ever worked. What is interesting
though is that they got there without us.
None of the component parts of Somalia have been eligible for large
scale foreign aid in the past 20 years.
So in the endless debate about whether aid money helps or hurts a
country, there is at least one counterfactual waiting to be explored. On one hand – we might find a completely
broken society – with people dying and potential going unfulfilled for want of
the most basic of services. On the other
hand – we might find a Tea Party Utopia.
A sub-Saharan African country that managed to develop a robust tax base
and free-flowing remittances from abroad that were sufficient to – while maybe
not get them ahead of their neighbors – not let them fall too far behind
either. I am not yet sure to which
extreme the truth lies, but it will be interesting to study nonetheless.
(And apologies for the lack of quality pictures. I took them with my iPhone out of the tinted window of a moving car.)
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